1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 17, 2006 8:29 AM by kyle.d.duncan

    setting this.value.is.replaced.by.jboss



      I have some web services running and i want to change the value populated in - this.value.is.replaced.by.jboss

      The problem is that jboss runs under http://myserver:8080 and apache is set up to forward requests from http://myserver: to the internal 8080 port. Thus I need to make sure the wdsl quotes the non 8080 address.

      Thanks in advance..

        • 1. Re: setting this.value.is.replaced.by.jboss

          There are just a couple of things to know about controlling the soap address element of the published WSDL:

          1. In the file

          %JBOSS_HOME%\server\<server name>\deploy\jboss-ws4ee.sar\META-INF\jboss-service.xml

          there is an element

          <attribute name="AlwaysModifySOAPAddress">true</attribute>

          Set this to false, and JBoss will use the value that is actually in the WSDL, so you can set it to whatever you like.

          2. If you're wanting to use HTTPS, and you leave the value above set to 'true', contrary to what you'd expect, the value in the WSDL that will be replaced is still important - it must begin with 'https', or JBoss won't publish it on 'https'. So, 'https://replace_with_actual_url' instead of 'replace_with_actual_url'.
