1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 6, 2006 7:04 AM by thomas.diesler

    Speed Difference Between Java SEI and EJB3/EJB2.1 Web Servic


      The Wiki (http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossWS) shows two ways to create a web-service using JBoss ws4ee, either using a Java SEI deployed in a .WAR, or by deploying an EJB2.1 Session bean that (if you want) fronts an EJB3 Session bean.

      I'm wondering if one method is preferrable to the other from a speed perspective. In some preliminary testing that I have done, neither way seems to be faster from a time to call and respond perspective.

      Are there any thoughts as to which way would be preferable if speed/efficiency is the only cosideration? (I realize that architecture might play a role in choosing an EJB over a web-tier'd web-service, but I'm only asking from a server resources efficiency standpoint)?

      Also, when will we be able to use an EJB3 session bean as a webservices endpoint (without the EJB2.1 stuff).