0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 3, 2006 1:49 AM by simon_moshe

    java.rmi.ServerError while calling webservice function withi


      My goal is to call a function within a webservice I?ve got (I know that the WS used Axis). The calling is done from my ejb code.
      The web service I have and use is a jar file (apparently only the service interface). I put the jar near my ear J2EE module and deploy the application into JBoss. While trying to instantiate the ServiceLocator class

      xxxServiceLocator locator = new xxxServiceLocator()
      it seems that the application doesn't find the interface service class:
      java.rmi.ServerError: Unexpected Error; nested exception is: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
      I found that the only way to make it works is to copy the thirdPartyWS.jar into {JBOSS}/server/default/lib folder. Writing the file into manifest.mf file (in EJB module and/or EAR module) doesn't help.
      Did i miss something? What should I do?

      I am using MyEclipse 4.1.1, JBoss 403sp1.
