2 Replies Latest reply on May 22, 2006 10:32 PM by takahashi

    rpc/encoded style on JBOSS4.0.4GA



      I tried JBoss4.0.4GA which includes jboss-1.0.0.GA.

      I have a couple of question...

      1: Creating Web service on JBoss4.0.4GA (jboss-1.0.0.GA Web Service), rpc/encoded style WSDL cannot be used?
      if no, any solutions to support rpc/encoded style WSDL?

      2: Can client send soap-encoded SOAPMessage to Web service on JBoss4.0.4GA (jboss-1.0.0.GA Web service)?
      I created AXIS DII and sent soap-encoded style SOAPMessage, but the server throwed exception: "javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: Cannot find child element: **"
      I created AXIS stub from WSDL(rpc/literal) and called the same Web service. It processed successfully.

      So I understand Jboss-1.0.0.GA Web service only supports literal style in both side(server and client). Am I correct?
      Any solutions available for encoded syle ???

      Any information will be appreciated!
