1 2 Previous Next 17 Replies Latest reply on Mar 24, 2008 4:35 PM by jpramondon Go to original post
      • 15. Re: wstools-config.xml

        Also, do annotations play nice with WS-Security in JBossWS-1.0?

        • 16. Re: wstools-config.xml

          1) yes

          2) yes

          • 17. Re: wstools-config.xml

            Hi there,

            I'm probably exhuming a pretty old post now, but I just wanted to make things clearer for me.
            I've been reading a lot this week-end on JBossWS, WStools and a lot of surrounding topics and suffs.
            From what I understand, you suggest giving up using WSTools in the profit of annotations.
            Here's where I'm a bit confused :
            - I thought annotations where for JAX-WS
            - I know I can (correct me if I'm wrong alright) do some JAX-RPC with JAX-WS, because the latter supports the former.
            - but wasn't JAX-WS only to use with Java 6 ? Or in other words : may I use annotations to replace my use of WSTools even if I'm coding JAX-RPC style webservices with java 5 ?



            "thomas.diesler@jboss.com" wrote:
            webservices.xml supports multiple service endpoints. You have to merge the wstools generated webservices.xml files manully.

            BTW, wscompile does not generate webservices.xml at all.

            Why not use JSR181 endpoints and get rid of all those offline tools generation issue all together?

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