5 Replies Latest reply on Jun 14, 2006 9:04 AM by shadens

    Secure endpoint without secure WSDL


      I have secured my Web Service endpoint (JSR-109 EJB) with basic authentication, but that requires me to enter the authentication information to access the WSDL which is unacceptable. Is there a way to secure the endpoint without securing the WSDL?

      Here is my jboss.xml:

      <!DOCTYPE jboss PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS 4.0//EN" "http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss_4_0.dtd">
       <security-domain>java:/jaas/JBossWS</security-domain> <!-- This links to conf/login-config.xml in jboss point to a security domain -->
       <description>Database Reference to DataSource</description>

        • 1. Re: Secure endpoint without secure WSDL

          They way we generate the web.xml when there are EJB security meta data will have to change.


          • 2. Re: Secure endpoint without secure WSDL

            Yeah, I noticed a generated web.xml in the tmp directory where the ear was expanded. Thanks for incorporating this into 1.0.2.

            • 3. Re: Secure endpoint without secure WSDL

              I have a POJO endpoint and in the jboss-web.xml defined


              These tags are also available in jboss.xml so it should work all the same.

              wsdls.war is an exploded webapp deployment with empty web.xml and jboss-web.xml defined as follows


              this allows your client to access the wsdl via http://host.port/wsdls/servicename.wsdl

              Hope this may be of any help in your particular case.


              • 4. Re: Secure endpoint without secure WSDL

                Excellent work around

                • 5. Re: Secure endpoint without secure WSDL

                  I have same problem. I've installed jbossWS version 1.0.1.
                  So, I'm using easy way of annotations. I'm following examples.
                  Is there a way to around problem as new4jboss suggest? (I can't understand as adapt his example).
                  This is my session bean that show a web method:

                  //standard JSR181 annotations
                  @WebService(name = "EndpointInterface", targetNamespace = "http://org.jboss.ws/samples/jsr181ejb", serviceName = "Risposta")
                  @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC)
                  // standard EJB3 annotations
                  // jboss propriatary annotations
                  @RemoteBinding(jndiBinding = "/ejb3/EJB3EndpointInterface")
                  @PortComponent(authMethod="BASIC", transportGuarantee="NONE")
                  public @Stateless class HelloBean implements Hello {
                   public String reply(String voice) {
                   return "Hello " + voice;

                  And his interface:
                  public interface Hello {
                   public String reply(String voice);

                  Anybody has a example that show how client login to web service? :(
