3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 23, 2006 11:53 AM by jason.greene

    Bug in SimpleTypeBindings marshallTimeZone

      There is a bug in the marshallTimeZone method of the org.jboss.xb.binding.SimpleTypeBindings class. Specifically, it does not take daylight savings properly into account when creating the time zone offset. This can be clearly demonstrated with the following test code:

      Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
      System.out.println("June date object: " + c.getTime());
      String datestring = SimpleTypeBindings.marshalDateTime(c);
      System.out.println("June datestring: " + datestring);
      Calendar c2 = SimpleTypeBindings.unmarshalDateTime(datestring);
      System.out.println("June unmarshalled date object: " + c2.getTime());
      c.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.NOVEMBER);
      System.out.println("Nov date object: " + c.getTime());
      datestring = SimpleTypeBindings.marshalDateTime(c);
      System.out.println("Nov datestring: " + datestring);
      c2 = SimpleTypeBindings.unmarshalDateTime(datestring);
      System.out.println("Nov unmarshalled date object: " + c2.getTime());

      The output from that code is as follows:

      June date object: Wed Jun 21 13:29:45 PDT 2006
      June datestring: 2006-06-21T13:29:45.689-08:00
      June unmarshalled date object: Wed Jun 21 14:29:45 PDT 2006
      Nov date object: Tue Nov 21 13:29:45 PST 2006
      Nov datestring: 2006-11-21T13:29:45.689-08:00
      Nov unmarshalled date object: Tue Nov 21 13:29:45 PST 2006

      You can clearly see that when handling a Date that falls into daylight savings time, that hour is not properly accounted for when creating the time zone offset, thus adding an hour to the Date after it is unmarshalled from a String. To correct this problem, I propose modifying the marshallTimeZone method to be as follows:

      private static String marshalTimeZone(Calendar cal)
       TimeZone value = cal.getTimeZone();
       int offset = value.getRawOffset();
       if(offset == 0)
       return "Z";
       DecimalFormat hourFormat = new DecimalFormat("'+'00;-00");
       DecimalFormat minuteFormat = new DecimalFormat("00");
       int minutes = (int)offset / (1000 * 60);
       int hours = minutes / 60;
       minutes -= (hours * 60);
       if (value.inDaylightTime(cal.getTime())) hours+=1; //account for daylight savings
       return hourFormat.format(hours) + ":" + minuteFormat.format(minutes);

      I changed the signature to take a Calendar object (instead of the TimeZone of that Calendar) and I also added a line just before the last line to account for daylight savings. Now, if I run my previous test, I get the following output:

      June date object: Wed Jun 21 13:37:17 PDT 2006
      June datestring: 2006-06-21T13:37:17.827-07:00
      June unmarshalled date object: Wed Jun 21 13:37:17 PDT 2006
      Nov date object: Tue Nov 21 13:37:17 PST 2006
      Nov datestring: 2006-11-21T13:37:17.827-08:00
      Nov unmarshalled date object: Tue Nov 21 13:37:17 PST 2006

      Let me know if this is indeed an issue and if you want me to take out a Jira issue or not.

        • 1. Re: Bug in SimpleTypeBindings marshallTimeZone

          What version of SimpleTypeBinding are you looking at?

          This should have been fixed in:

          Which is 1.16 in cvs.

          Thanks for looking into this though. We welcome any contribution so if there are other areas of jbossws that you would like to work on let us know.


          • 2. Re: Bug in SimpleTypeBindings marshallTimeZone

            It looks like the SimpleTypeBindings java file that comes with the src distribution for JBoss 4.0.4.GA does not match the binary for that class that comes with that release version. I decompiled and compared to come to this conclusion. The binary that comes with JBoss 4.0.4.GA does not have this time zone issue, so I appologize for any confusion. But why is it that the src distribution for that release is not in line with the binary code?

            • 3. Re: Bug in SimpleTypeBindings marshallTimeZone

              We are in the process of separating various components of JBoss AS into individual subprojects. So eventually the AS source tree will contain only code that is specific to it, and all other modules will be binary releases from the various sub probjects. So you will have to get the source for each subproject you are interested in.

              During this transition, some of the modules still have their source in jboss-head. So the binary produced from the jbossxb module in head was used for the 4.0.4.GA release. The source thats in the 4.0.x branch is still there for backwards compatibility.

              Sorry for the confusion, but if you bare with us, the system will be much improved. If you look at the thirdparty/jboss directory from a source checkout, you can see the various binary modules (and versions) that we pull in from subprojects.
