0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 28, 2006 1:20 PM by bcguitar33

    JBossWS RPC-Style SOAP with multiRef fields


      Hello, I got a great response to my puzzle last time from Jboss devs so I'm going to try my luck here again.

      I'm using JbossWS to set up a couple of rpc-style web services, and thus far have been quite impressed with the ease of development and reliability of it.

      My specific question is thus:

      Usring RPCstyle web services, I have a soap service expecting a number of parameters.

      A synopsis of the parameters I'm expecting are like this:
      <String_1>Some text </String_1>
      <String_3>Some other text</String_3>
      However, sometimes one of the clients I have to serve to sends me requests like this:

      <String_1>Some text</String_1>
      <double_2 href="#id0" />
      <String_3>Some other text</String_3>
      <multiRef id='id0' soapenc:root='0' xsi:type='xsd:double'>12.34

      When this occurs, my program returns an Empty String soapfault and the service complains of a SOAP request exception for a
      java.lang.NumberFormatException: empty String

      Can somebody please recommend a simple solution or workaround for this problem? Your attention is thoroughly appreciated.