0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 30, 2006 4:49 AM by akpraha

    Non-default HTTP port ignored


      I've run into a strange problem with JBossWS-1.0.2.GA installed on JBoss-4.0.4.GA. In my test environment, I cannot use port 8080, so I have configured tomcat to run on a different port. I set up a simple test web service similar to the examples in the user guide, deployed it, and took a look at the wsdl published by the ws. When I use the URL:


      The resulting wsdl contains the proper hostname, but HTTP port 8080:

      <port binding='tns:TrivialServiceBinding' name='TrivialServicePort'>
       <soap:address location='http://seinfeld:8080/TrivialService'/>

      What am I missing here?