5 Replies Latest reply on Sep 28, 2006 8:23 PM by sursha

    ejb3.0 implementation production ready?


      I downloaded jboss-4.0.4.GA-Patch1-installer.jar from Jboss site. I want to use the ejb 3.0 container in my application. The sample application works !!
      Now, is the ejb3.0 implementation production ready? If not, when will it be?


        • 1. Re: ejb3.0 implementation production ready?

          I think it isn't the right forum...
          Anyway for us it is production ready since November 2005 (just few services went in production on that date, but a lot of services are going in production in these months)


          • 2. Re: ejb3.0 implementation production ready?

            Great to hear that you are using ejb3 in production. I'm interested in exposing ejb3 stateless session beans as web services using annotations. Did you use this annotated way of exposing ejbs as web services? when you stateless session beans as web services, can they also be accessed from a remote java client using RMI/IIOP?

            • 3. Re: ejb3.0 implementation production ready?

              Yes, just finished the porting from jboss-net to jbossws annotated ejbs3 (something like 40 wsdl, and about 200 different operations).
              And yes, of course, you can continue to acces your ejbs as ejbs :)


              Stefano maestri

              • 4. Re: ejb3.0 implementation production ready?

                Cool. Thank you!!

                • 5. Re: ejb3.0 implementation production ready?

                  I have deployed ejb 3.0 exposed as web service in JBOSS 4.0.4.
                  I use annotations to expose it as web service. I'm able to access the
                  web service using HTTP. How do I secure it to access using HTTPS?
                  One more question..When ejb 3.0 is exposed as web service using
                  annotation, is there a .WAR file getting generated behind the scenes and
                  getting deployed to tomcat web container ? Or is the exposing web service
                  is handled by the ejb container?
