0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 15, 2006 6:53 PM by palin

    DOMEnvelopeBuilder bug when reading SOAPEnvelope

      I have just submitted a patch generated on jbossws1.0.3.GA svn sourcecode to jbossws jira JBWS-1137 issue. It solves a problem that occurs when trying to build a SOAPMessage out of an InputStream containing a response to a SOAP request: when parsing rpc/encoded soap response messages, jbossws fails to parse multiref tags.

      You can find a complete description of the problem (including an example) in jira; we would appreciate you to apply the patch on jbossws so that we can run our generic WS client (Wise) on old legacy rpc/encoded webservices. For a description of the reasons that lead me to write this generic WS client, take a look at our blog:
      A complete description of Wise features and its sourcecode are coming soon there.

      Thank you
      Alessio Soldano