2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 11, 2007 12:14 PM by heiko.braun

    JBossWS and .NET client


      Hi all,

      I have statefull JBoss WS and .NET client, but ws doen't read properly soap header for me!
      my client sent:

      <ns1:clientid xmlns:ns1="http://somens">clientid-1</ns1:clientid>
      <wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-fca171ac-95a4-41e5-b0bf-b46438247a3d">

      When i get addressing with:
      AddressingProperties addrProps = (AddressingProperties)messageContext.getProperty(JAXWSAConstants.SERVER_ADDRESSING_PROPERTIES_INBOUND);

      header information like "ReplyTo" is always null.
      I don't understand why? Some ideas and suggestions?!
