0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 30, 2006 2:30 PM by ajay662

    Consuming from EJB - how to specify port-component-ref using


      I am on jboss 4.0.5, trying to implement ws client in one of my EJB, using jbossws-1.0.4.GA. I use xdoclet to generate my ejb-jar.xml.

      "Consuming Web Services" section of the JBossWS User Guide talks about adding a "service-ref" element to the EJB's deployment decriptor. But XDoclet doesn't seem to support "port-component-ref" element. And merge wouldn't do partial merge. With merge you have to provide complete deployment descriptor for that bean from an external file, which I am hesitant to do.

      Anybody else ran into this issue? Any suggestions for workaround?