2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 22, 2007 9:34 AM by penguine

    Problems ejb call and jaxrpc / principal


      Hallo Thomas,

      The HelloBean in my/your example:

      String urlstr = "http://localhost:8080/ws/RoleSecured?wsdl";
      String argument = "testmich";

      System.out.println("Contacting webservice at " + urlstr);

      URL url = new URL(urlstr);

      QName qname = new QName("http://hello.ws.jboss.org/", "HelloService");

      ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
      Service service = factory.createService(url, qname);

      Hello hello = (Hello) service.getPort(Hello.class);

      Stub stub = (Stub) hello;

      stub._setProperty(Stub.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "kermit");
      stub._setProperty(Stub.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "thefrog");

      System.out.println("hello.hello(" + argument + ")");
      System.out.println("output:" + hello.hello(argument)); <-- here the exception occurs

      I become the following error:

      Contacting webservice at http://localhost:8080/ws/RoleSecured?wsdl
      java.rmi.RemoteException: Call invocation failed with code [Client] because of: java.rmi.AccessException: SecurityException; nested exception is:
      java.lang.SecurityException: Insufficient method permissions, principal=null, ejbName=HelloBean, method=hello, interface=SERVICE_ENDPOINT, requiredRoles=[friend], principalRoles=[]; nested exception is:
      javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: java.rmi.AccessException: SecurityException; nested exception is:
      java.lang.SecurityException: Insufficient method permissions, principal=null, ejbName=HelloBean, method=hello, interface=SERVICE_ENDPOINT, requiredRoles=[friend], principalRoles=[]
      at org.jboss.ws.common.CommonClient.invoke(CommonClient.java:331)
      at org.jboss.ws.jaxrpc.CallImpl.invokeInternal(CallImpl.java:560)
      at org.jboss.ws.jaxrpc.CallImpl.invoke(CallImpl.java:338)
      at org.jboss.ws.jaxrpc.CallProxy.invoke(CallProxy.java:148)
      at $Proxy0.hello(Unknown Source)
      at de.mycompany.it.webservice.test.TestHelloClientII.main(TestHelloClientII.java:67)
      Caused by: javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: java.rmi.AccessException: SecurityException; nested exception is:
      java.lang.SecurityException: Insufficient method permissions, principal=null, ejbName=HelloBean, method=hello, interface=SERVICE_ENDPOINT, requiredRoles=[friend], principalRoles=[]
      at org.jboss.ws.jaxrpc.SOAPFaultExceptionHelper.getSOAPFaultException(SOAPFaultExceptionHelper.java:100)
      at org.jboss.ws.common.CommonSOAPBinding.unbindResponseMessage(CommonSOAPBinding.java:574)
      at org.jboss.ws.common.CommonClient.invoke(CommonClient.java:319)
      ... 5 more
      Exception in thread "main"

      If I do a normal lookup to my bean as you do it in your examples it works.
      But if I try to use the webserver to access the wsdl like my example above I don´t have a valid principal setting.

        • 1. Re: Problems ejb call and jaxrpc / principal

          The problem occurs in jboss-4.0.5GA.
          I try it with jbossws-1.0.4.GA, too.
          my example herer is with the newer jbossws version, jbossws-1.0.4.GA.

          • 2. Re: Problems ejb call and jaxrpc / principal

            if I use in the ejb-jar.xml

            instead of

            it works.

            And I have to disabled the http authorization for my example:

            <!-- geht nur ohne http sicherheit der soaguimacht aber mit <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>
            <transport-guarantee>NONE</transport-guarantee> -->