1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 21, 2008 2:02 PM by dkarr

    value EL expression in datatable footer not evaluated


      RichFaces 3.1.3, JSF 1.1, WebLogic 9.2.2.

      I have a datatable with 2 rows of data and a footer. The two data rows pull the data from backing bean perfectly fine. The footer row has one column that has a label, and the other calls a getter on the backing bean. The EL in the footer doesn't appear to be evaluated. I set a breakpoint in the getter in the backing bean, and it never calls it.

      I think I noticed a note a week or so ago that mentioned a similar symptom, although I can't find it now.

      My table code looks like this:

      <rich:dataTable id="propertyTable" value="#{ratingRequest.usedProperties}"
      title="Properties" var="property"
      frame="border" rules="all" rowKeyVar="rowNum"
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText id="propertyIDCol" value="Property ID"/>
       <h:outputText id="propertyIDVal" rendered="#{property.used}" value="#{property.propertyID}"/>
       <f:facet name="footer">
       <h:outputText id="totalsLabel" value="Totals"/>
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText id="valueCol" value="Value"/>
       <h:outputText id="valueVal" rendered="#{property.used}" value="#{property.value}">
       <f:convertNumber type="currency" currencySymbol="$"/>
       <f:facet name="footer">
       <h:outputText id="propertyTotal" value="#{ratingRequest.propertyTotal}"/>

      The calls to the "propertyID" and "value" properties go fine, but it never calls the "propertyTotal" getter.