0 Replies Latest reply on May 25, 2007 8:37 AM by ulliobst

    Servlet based Webservice Deployment without web.xml does not



      Deploying Web Services in a war file without web.xml seems not to work.
      I deployed a war file which contains only the WebService class file in WEB-INF/classes (of cause annotated with @WebService) . The same war file runs fine on sun application server.
      JSR109 (WebServices for java EE, Version 1.2), which is part of EE5, says, that the web.xml is not required (See chapter 7.1.2: "Servlet based web service endpoints using JAX-WS are not required to provide the web.xml
      deployment descriptor file").

      Is it a feature that is not yet implemented or am I wrong?

      Best regards