1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 9, 2007 11:32 AM by thomas.diesler

    WARN  [SchemaTypeCreator] JAX-RPC does not allow collection


      I am trying web service,where it returns collection.
      following is the code snippet,

      public Collection getAccountList()
      Query query=em.createQuery("from CustomerInfo c");
      return query.getResultList();

      the problem is at the time of deploying i am getting following warning,
      WARN [SchemaTypeCreator] JAX-RPC does not allow collection types skipping: customer.__JBossWS_CustomerRegisteration_EndpointInterfacePort_getAccountListResponse.result

      i am using JBoss 4.0.5,it supporting JAX-WS RI 2.0_03-b24-fcs version.

      could anybody tell me why this warning?
      is JAX WS not able to resolve the collection type?

      i tested my web service with webservice explorer provided myeclipse5.5 IDE,there web service returns null

      please help me in this?