0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 24, 2008 4:01 AM by tony.herstell1

    Clicking whilst ajax request in progress gets ignored...


      This could be something I have caused but I have a part of the screen with various checkboxes.
      If I press a checkbox, and whislt the call is being sent/received press another checkbox in the same part of the screen that is to be updated then that press gets ignored ... when the page is re-drawn upon the receive of the ajax update from the server then the change I just make is over-written.

      Is this expected behavior?

      Should the second button press be queued up and result in another update?

      The checkboxes in question are similarly code like this..

      <a4j:support event="onchange" LimitToList="true" reRender="resourcesAddedTotal, resourceAddButtons, resourceAddedTableTitle, resourceAddedTable" eventsQueue="eventsQueue" requestDelay="500"/>

      <rich:column colspan="3" breakBefore="true" rendered="#{bookingController.getBookingDuration() == 'DAY' and eachResource == 'CONF_ROOM'}">
       <h:selectManyCheckbox id="confRoomDayPartChoice" value="#{bookingController.confRoomDayParts}">
       <s:selectItems value="#{bookingController.getBookingDurationsPartDayKind()}"
       var="bookingDurationKind" label="#{messages[bookingDurationKind.inlLabel]}"/>
       <s:convertEnum />
       <a4j:support event="onchange" LimitToList="true" reRender="resourcesAddedTotal, resourceAddButtons, resourceAddedTableTitle, resourceAddedTable" eventsQueue="eventsQueue" requestDelay="500"/>