1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 24, 2008 11:06 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Property 'for' is not on type: org.richfaces.component.html.



      I would like to have a rich:toolTip on an image. I found in the developers guide that I need to use attributte "for" on rich:toolTip. However there is no such attribute in the documentation of the rich:toolTip.

      I have the following code:

      <h:graphicImage id="name_required" value="required_field.gif">
      <rich:toolTip for="name_required">required field</rich:toolTip>

      It works but gives following warning:

      com.sun.facelets.tag.jsf.ComponentRule warnAttr
      for="imageId" Property 'for' is not on type: org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlToolTip

      Why isn't the "for" attribute in the list of rich:toolTip documentation?