1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 3, 2007 9:26 AM by jmaenen

    MTOM interop issue with WSE 3.0



      I'm trying to create an MTOM client ( .net 2.0 ) within C# and WSE 3.0 for the XOP webservices provided by the jbossws 2.0.2 samples.

      It looks like the server respons wel to the request but the client has an issue with the result :
      Client found response content type of 'multipart/related;
      MTOM enable on the client

      Off course this is an MS issue but i wonder if more people did encounter this issue and did found an workaround ?


      below the SOAP repsons

      {"Client found response content type of 'multipart/related;
      type=\"application/xop+xml\"; start=\"<rootpart@ws.jboss.org>\";
      \tboundary=\"----=_Part_48_22086523.1196410132767\"', but expected 'text/xml'.\r\n
      The request failed with the error message:\r\n--\r\n\r\n
      Content-Type: application/xop+xml; type=\"text/xml\"\r\n
      Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n
      Content-ID: <rootpart@ws.jboss.org>\r\n\r\n
      <env:Envelope xmlns:env='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'>
      <ns1:returnDataHandlerResponse xmlns:ns1=\"http://org.jboss.ws/xop/doclit\">

      <xop:Include xmlns:xop=\"http://www.w3.org/2004/08/xop/include\" href=\"cid:dataHandler-4b229661-864f-4a53-9f84-2ca8fa4ab06@ws.jboss.org\"/>

      Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
      Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n
      Content-Id: <dataHandler-4b229661-864f-4a53-9f84-2ca8fa4ab06@ws.jboss.org>\r\n\r\n
      Server data\r\n

        • 1. Re: MTOM interop issue with WSE 3.0

          Issue above was related to the fact that the proxy class on the C# side was not generated properly ..

          Should be derived from
          : Microsoft.Web.Services3.WebServicesClientProtocol

          Unfortunatly the there is still an issue related to the content type of the respons sent from the server.

          With the request the content type is
          Content-Type: multipart/related; type="application/xop+xml"
          But on the repons of this request the content type is set to :
          Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8

          WSE cannot support this feature !