0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 13, 2007 10:59 PM by beligum

    return type polymorphism issue, please help


      Hi all, I guess this should be easy for some of you experts, so I hope to get an answer here, after searching for this bug for a couple of hours now.

      Here's the situation:

      public interface Inode extends Serializable, Comparable<Inode>, Cloneable
       //definition of getters,setters,...

      @XmlSeeAlso({FileInode.class, DirectoryInode.class})
      public abstract class AbstractInodeImpl implements Inode
       //implementation of getters,setters,...
       static public class Adapter extends XmlAdapter<AbstractInodeImpl, Inode>
       public Inode unmarshal(AbstractInodeImpl v)
       return v;
       public AbstractInodeImpl marshal(Inode v)
       return (AbstractInodeImpl)v;

      public class DirectoryInode extends AbstractInodeImpl implements Serializable
       // more implementation

      public class FileInode extends AbstractInodeImpl implements Serializable
       // even more...

      @WebService(name = "FileSystemService", serviceName = "FileSystemService")
      @WebContext(contextRoot="/tumbolia/services", urlPattern="/FileSystemService")
      public class FileSystemServiceImpl implements FileSystemService, Serializable
       public List<Inode> getAllChildren(String inodePath)
       List<Inode> children = ((FileSystemManager)Component.getInstance("fileSystemManager", true)).getInodePathChildren(inodePath);
       return children;

      I generate my JAXB beans with wsconsume or wsimport (have tried both) from the wsdl that was automatically generated.

      When I call the webservice in the last bean, I get this exception:

      [javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: Unable to create an instance of com.acepostproduction.tumbolia.webservice.AbstractInodeImpl
       - with linked exception:
      com.acepostproduction.virtuolia.exceptions.WsException: [TumboliaFileSystemCommunicator] Error while calling getAllChildren(): javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
       - with linked exception:
      [javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: Unable to create an instance of com.acepostproduction.tumbolia.webservice.AbstractInodeImpl
       - with linked exception:
       at com.acepostproduction.virtuolia.communicator.TumboliaFileSystemCommunicator.getAllChildren(TumboliaFileSystemCommunicator.java:87)
       at com.acepostproduction.virtuolia.VirtuoliaDiskDriver.startSearch(VirtuoliaDiskDriver.java:340)

      Any ideas why the polymorphism on the return value is failing?
      It would be great if someone could give me a hint here.
