2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 27, 2008 4:06 AM by ropalka

    Changeing minOccurs possible?


      I have a method like this:

       public GetBillingAccountResponse getBillingAccount (
       @WebParam(name="GetBillingAccountRequest") GetBillingAccountRequest getBillingAccountRequest

      When i deploy the SFSB the resulting WSDL for the GetBillingAccountRequest type looks like this:
      <xs:complexType name="GetBillingAccountRequest">
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GetBillingAccountRequest" type="tns:getBillingAccountRequest"/>

      Is there any way to annotate that the GetBillingAccountRequest is supposed to be mandatory when the WSDL is auto generated (e.g. minOccurs="1")?

      Thanks, Thorsten