1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 3, 2008 1:20 AM by christy

    java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type javax.xml.bind.annot


      I'm using JWSDP2.0 and JBoss4.2.2.GA.
      I created a simple web-service:

      @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT)
      public class TestDiffFormats {

      public void getList(@WebParam(name="result", mode=WebParam.Mode.INOUT)Holder<java.util.List> result){

      I generated client stubs using JAXWS2.0. Here is my client code:

      public String getRes() {
      String res = "";
      TestDiffFormatsService testDiffFormatsService = new TestDiffFormatsService();
      TestDiffFormats port = testDiffFormatsService.getTestDiffFormatsPort();
      javax.xml.ws.Holder<java.util.List> h = new javax.xml.ws.Holder<java.util.List>(new ArrayList());
      System.out.println(" = " + h.value.size());
      return res;

      When I tried to invoke web-service I had the error:
      java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type javax.xml.bind.annotation.AccessType not present

      What is wrong?
      Thank you!