1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 9, 2008 9:19 AM by gressho

    Change endpoint url of public web service


      Hi, my 4.2.2 jboss server is accessible through internet. I have installed a project that has some web services.

      My problem is that the endpoint urls (listed in /jbossws/services) are formed with the machine name as server name:


      I would like to change "myserver:8080" to the internet domain where my JBoss is accessed. I ve been searching on google for two days and didn't found the way.

      Of course, the same URL is generated inside the WSDLs, so I cannot use the Web Services from the outside without changing the WSDL by hand.

      Thanks for your time!

        • 1. Re: Change endpoint url of public web service

          Look for a file named jboss-beans.xml in jbossws.sar/jbossws.beans/META-INF/
          and edit the properties of the bean "WSServerConfig". It's all documented in that
          file. jbossws.sar you'll find in the deploy directory of your server configuration.

          Good luck!