2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 10, 2009 6:50 AM by asoldano

    WeFault and throws declaration



      I have that structure

      @WebFault public class BaseAppException {
       ExceptionXBVO getFaultInfo() { ...}
      @WebFault public class OtherAppException extends BaseAppException {
       ExceptionXBVO getFaultInfo() { super.getFa...}
      public interface IServiceOne {
       @WebMethod public String one(@WebParam("xxx" xxx) throws BaseAppException;
      @WebService [...other annotations...] public class SerwiceOne implements IServiceOne {
       @WebMethod public String one(@WebParam("xxx" xxx) throws BaseAppException {
       throw new OtherAppException("info");

      If web service declare BaseAppException but method throws OtherAppException which inherit on it. Should JBoss WS throw SOAPFaultException or OtherAppException or BaseAppException ?

      I think best solution is to catch OtherAppException by client but in my config is catched SOAPFaultException. When I add OtherAppException to throws declaration then is works as excepted. Does JBoss WS require adding to throws decalarion all possible exception, iheritance doesn't enough ?

        • 1. Re: WeFault and throws declaration

          I see that in 3.0.3.GA Tag in svn there is code

          void org.jboss.ws.metadata.builder.jaxws.JAXWSMetaDataBuilder.processWebMethod

          which add fault metadata from declaring exceptions.

           // Add faults
           for (Class<?> exClass : method.getExceptionTypes())
           if (!RemoteException.class.isAssignableFrom(exClass))
           addFault(opMetaData, exClass);

          I'm reading JSR-224 but dont see what spec talk about this situation.

          • 2. Re: WeFault and throws declaration

            That's in JAXWS 2.1 spec, section 3.7. Btw the upcoming 3.1.0 jbossws version will also treat RuntimeException the same way because of the spec conformance requirement.