1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 23, 2009 3:11 PM by lbolanos

    Error unmarshalling anytype with complexType


      I'm using Jboss.4.2.3

      I want to receive the process event with hashtable with Objects like String, Integer or QueryVO.

      I have this interface

      @WebMethod(operationName = "process", action = "http://com.sns.bas.dbenabler.web.jmsws/action/processIn")
      public DoneMessage process(Hashtable<String, Object> listParameter ) {


      @WebMethod(operationName = "dummy", action = "http://com.sns.bas.dbenabler.web.jmsws/action/processIn")
      public QueryVO dummy(QueryVO arg1) {

      All is ok when i send String or Integer.

      But when the client send a QueryVO the JAXBContext does not found the QName("queryVO","","") because it is searching for QName("queryVO","http://com.hds.eihv./DBEnabler","ns3")

      This is the what the client send:


      <value xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ns3="http://com.hds.eihv./DBEnabler" xsi:type="ns3:queryVO">


      There is a way to include a (QName, Class) to JAXBContext ?

      How can i ride this problem?

      Thanks in advance


        • 1. Re: Error unmarshalling anytype with complexType

          Sorry... my first time :(

          I'm using Jboss.4.2.3

          I have this interface

          @WebMethod(operationName = "process", action = "http://com.sns.bas.dbenabler.web.jmsws/action/processIn")
          public DoneMessage process(Hashtable<String, Object> listParameter ) {


          @WebMethod(operationName = "dummy", action = "http://com.sns.bas.dbenabler.web.jmsws/action/processIn")
          public QueryVO dummy(QueryVO arg1) {

          I want the hashtable receive any Objects like String, Integer or QueryVO.

          All is ok when i send String or Integer.

          But when the client send a QueryVO the JAXBContext does not found the QName("queryVO","","") because it is searching for QName("queryVO","http://com.hds.eihv./DBEnabler","ns3")

          This is the what the client send:

          <value xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ns3="http://com.hds.eihv./DBEnabler" xsi:type="ns3:queryVO">

          There is a way to include a (QName, Class) to JAXBContext ?

          How can i ride this problem?

          Thanks in advance
