3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 24, 2009 3:15 PM by peterj

    Problem deploy WS in JBOSS 4.3



      I've work with WS.

       style = SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT,
       use = SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL,
       parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED
      public class WebServiceGde {
       public ResultadoGde guardar(MiClase solicitudes){
       ResultadoGde resultadoGde = new ResultadoGde();
       return resultadoGde;

      public class MiClase {
       private long cdSolicitud;
       private int cdEstado;
       private int cdTipoSolicitud;
       private String cdTipoTrans;
       private Date fechaRecepc;
       private Date fechaUltModif;
       private String origen;
       private Long idProcesoBpm;
       private String estadoInterno;
       private String notas;
       private String indExento;
       private String indCartera;
       private String indTarifa;
       private String indesglo;
       private String desviosx;
       private String secundar;
       private String terciari;
       private String segdiari;
       private String segintra;
       private boolean invirtua;
       private String segtreal;
       /*private String resecund;
       private String pruebasx;*/
       //Getter and Setter..

      If I deployment:
      12:25:59,122 INFO [DefaultEndpointRegistry] register: jboss.ws:context=WebServicesGDE,endpoint=WebServiceGde
      12:25:59,122 INFO [DefaultEndpointRegistry] register: jboss.ws:context=WebServicesGDE,endpoint=HolaMundoWs
      12:25:59,154 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/WebServicesGDE, warUrl=.../tmp/deploy/tmp55743WebServicesGDE-exp.war/
      12:25:59,325 ERROR [MainDeployer] Could not start deployment: file:/D:/jboss-soa-p.4.3.0/jboss-as_SOA/server/default/deploy/WebServicesGDE.war
      java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid constant pool index 63 in class file es/ree/gde/webservice/modelo/MiClase
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

      I've tring delete some parameter the MiClase.java and it work fine.
      If I add more parameter the error:
      java.lang.ClassFormatError: Repetitive
      > > method name/signature...

      I've tring with JDK5 and JDK6

      ¿?¿? It's a bug JBOSS ?


        • 1. Re: Problem deploy WS in JBOSS 4.3

          Are you working in Eclipse or some other IDE? It sounds like the MiClase.class file is invalid. Check the description of ClassFormatError in the javadocs.

          • 2. Re: Problem deploy WS in JBOSS 4.3


            "PeterJ" wrote:
            Are you working in Eclipse or some other IDE? It sounds like the MiClase.class file is invalid. Check the description of ClassFormatError in the javadocs.

            I'm working in Eclipse, but I've compiled also without using eclipse with the same result.

            I have removed the getter and setter and have put the attributes as public for MiClase.java and it works, but it does not look like to me an acceptable solution.

            • 3. Re: Problem deploy WS in JBOSS 4.3

              Did you try having MiClass implement Serializable?