1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 31, 2005 3:42 AM by winterer

    Can a local interface extend a remote interface?


      Will this work? If it works, is it a good pattern to follow?:

      public interface MyRemote {
       RemoteableObject getRemoteableObject();
      public interface MyLocal extends MyRemote {
       LocalObject getLocalObject();
      public class MyEJB implements MyLocal, MyRemote {

      MyEJB implementing MyRemote is redundant, but doing it this way will ensure that the container automatically creates local and remote JNDI bindings

        • 1. Re: Can a local interface extend a remote interface?

          I think it is better you do it that way:

          public interface MyInterface {
           /* insert your methods here */
          public interface MyLocal extends MyInterface {
           /* empty - inherits methods from MyInterface */
          public interface MyRemote extends MyInterface {
           /* empty - inherits methods from MyInterface */
          public class MyEJB implements MyLocal, MyRemote {