1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 16, 2005 12:28 PM by epbernard

    EntityManager.contains() problems


      Trying to check whether an entity is attached to the persistent context fails for lazy loaded entities.

      It gives an error like Object$$EnhancedByCGLib is not a persistent entity.

      I haved worked around this with the following code :

       protected void init( EntityManager em )
       this.em = em;
       if ( em instanceof InjectedEntityManager )
       InjectedEntityManager iem = (InjectedEntityManager) em;
       org.hibernate.Session session = iem.getHibernateSession();
       if ( !session.contains( entity) )
       entity = em.find( DMCarBean.class, entity.getUOID() );
       if ( !em.contains( entity ) )
       entity = em.find( DMCarBean.class, entity.getUOID() );