6 Replies Latest reply on Jan 8, 2007 3:01 PM by brian.stansberry

    ejb3-head testsuite



      ejb3 head testsuite is unable to complete.
      See http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/ejb3-head-testsuite
      It doesn't on manual run also.

      Is there some problem with it to be fixed? If it goes fine by you, please describe me your environment and the exact steps to run it.

      Thanks in advance

        • 1. Re: ejb3-head testsuite

          I found that the clustering tests would fail to start due to OOM. The start-jboss macro in testsuite/imports/server-config.xml only gives 64M to the AS by default, which is no longer enough to start the server. I expect other tests that use the AS are failing for the same reason.

          For the clustering tests, I found modifying the tests-clustering-startup target so start-jboss looked like the following let them run:

          <start-jboss conf="node0" host="${node0}" jvmargs="-Xmx128M"/>

          I've checked in build-test.xml with that applied to all the start-jboss calls.

          I don't know if that will resolve all issues, but it's something.

          • 2. Re: ejb3-head testsuite

            could that be commited to svn?

            • 3. Re: ejb3-head testsuite

              It was committed before I posted. Latest jboss-head-jdk-matrix build report from cruisecontrol shows it. Perhaps hasn't made it to anonymous svn yet?

              • 4. Re: ejb3-head testsuite

                Sorry, I didn't checked.
                I'll see how is it now.

                • 5. Re: ejb3-head testsuite

                  It now fails to stop the server and build fails. I tried jdk1.5.0_10 also with no success. Any suggestions? See http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/artifacts/ejb3-head-testsuite/20070107164943/tests.log

                  • 6. Re: ejb3-head testsuite

                    Not really, other than looking in the server.log from the all config to see if it reveals anything.

                    Last week I was testing with the clustering configs (called node0 and node1) and ant didn't have any problems stopping them on my dev machine. They're stripped down versions of 'all'.

                    Only tangentially related, but the AS testsuite adds

                    to the "project" tag in its build xml and thereafter uses the server:start and server:stop macros to start/stop servers. This is instead of the start-jboss and stop-jboss macros that EJB3 is pulling in from testsuite/imports/server-config.xml. Should we look at doing the same in EJB3? Having 2 ways of starting/stopping the AS seems unnecessary and a possible source of problems. Also, using the server:start/stop approach helps decouple EJB3 from the testuite module.