2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 7, 2008 8:14 AM by luciano.scjp

    Does RichFaces need facelets?



      I'm newbie in JSF, JPA, RF... and have a CRUD made by Netbeans using JPA wich I've to apply Rf look'n feel. I already could change the page skin... but some customization seems not to work, like:

      <rich:dataTable columnsWidth="33%, 33%, 33%" ...>

      or even

      <style type="text/css">
       .rich-message-label {
       .col1 {
       .col2 {
      <rich:dataTable columnClasses="col1,col2,col3,col4"...>

      No compilation errors or log generated... but the columns still the same size/width... so my only guess is if facelets (<ui:composition xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets") is needed to make rich/a4f work?

      Thanks in advance

      Luciano Leite

        • 1. Re: Does RichFaces need facelets?

          should works fine with 3.1.4 GA.

          B.t.w. facelets isn't required by RF. JSP could be freely used.

          • 2. Re: Does RichFaces need facelets?

            Thanks for replay Ilya!!
            After posted the topic... I could make work.

            should works fine with 3.1.4 GA.

            I started developing using RF 3.1.2 SP1... but when upgraded to 3.1.4 GA my ScrollablaDataTable's header crashad(columns dont resize, not align to tableCells), the suggestionBox too and appeared JSErrors in the JSPs :( ... so I got back to 3.1.2... I'll wait a little more!!

            B.t.w. facelets isn't required by RF. JSP could be freely used.

            That was very helpfull, thank you... when I find next error, already ll've one option to discard!! =D
