1. Re: What version of J2EE?
marc.fleury Dec 5, 2001 9:40 AM (in response to marc.fleury)A: JBoss 3.0 supports J2EE 1.3, EJB is in version 2.0 with full support for CMR. Servlets are version 2.3 both with Jetty and Tomcat, I will have to let others speak on the versions of the spec modules they build.
3. Re: What version of J2EE?
pvgorp Apr 10, 2002 9:45 AM (in response to marc.fleury)What about JBoss 2.4.3, 2.4.4?
4. Re: What version of J2EE?
pvgorp Apr 10, 2002 9:51 AM (in response to marc.fleury)I'll help a hand with what answers need to be answered for the J2EE APIs:
J2EE 1.2
JDBC 2.0 Ext.
EJB 1.1
Servlets 2.2
JSP 1.1
JMS 1.0
JNDI 1.2
JTA 1.0
JavaMail 1.1
JAF 1.0
J2EE 1.3
JDBC 2.0 Ext.
(RMI-IIOP 1.0 went to J2SE)
EJB 2.0
Servlets 2.3
JSP 1.2
JMS 1.0
(JNDI 1.2 went to J2SE)
JTA 1.0
JavaMail 1.2
JAF 1.0
JAXP 1.1
JCA 1.0
JAAS 1.0
Feel free to just answer parts of these lists for any JBoss version. Any help is very much appreciated!!! -
5. Re: What version of J2EE?
tobias May 25, 2002 2:07 PM (in response to marc.fleury)vbfischer wrote:
J2EE 1.2 is supported by JBoss 2.4.4 -
6. Re: What version of J2EE?
cbahlmann Aug 25, 2003 6:52 PM (in response to marc.fleury)Please clarify for me, Does JBoss run the J2EE components like EJB's etc and Tomcat or Jetty run the presentation layer like JSP's and Servlets ??
7. Re: What version of J2EE?
juhalindfors Aug 29, 2003 2:51 AM (in response to marc.fleury)Correct.
-- Juha -
8. Re: What version of J2EE? JBoss 4.0?
dataphile Oct 6, 2003 3:22 AM (in response to marc.fleury)What version of J2EE does JBoss 4.0 support?
Is a J2EE included in the JBoss download? and can a later version of j2EE like 1.4.1 beta 2 be tested with JBoss in any way?