1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 12, 2008 4:38 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    facelets and a4j:loadBundle



      wondering whether this matters or not; I use richfaces with faceletes; now I can have hundred of facelet components on one page; where should I define a4j:loadBundle; I have to define it in every component xhtml page (I think I have to, at least my IDE needs it to know where the messages are from); should it be inside the <ui:composition/> or outside? does it have any performance impact?


        • 1. Re: facelets and a4j:loadBundle

          if you use one messages bundle for the whole application - you may define it inside faces-config.

          And if you use JBoss IDE - you may freely define bundle in main template and IDE will know that its used on child facelets pages.