1 2 Previous Next 27 Replies Latest reply on Jan 31, 2004 3:37 PM by erik777 Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

        I tried this for jboss-3.0.0_tomcat-4.0.3 and no joy. 8082 is working but I tried everything. With jboss-3.0.0 there is no jboss directory. So, where does it deploy from? I tried created one, no good. I tried from every other place I coulc think of, no job.


        • 16. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

          hi everyone..
          i am putting the ROOT.ear and the examples.ear file..
          drop it into the deploy directory.. .
          u should get it as

          hope this is a starting point where most of us want to know whether the tomcat is actually running with jboss...

          hope jboss comes out with more and more examples in thier versions...

          • 17. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

            thanks for those files. I'm new to the JBoss arena, and mainly wanted to make sure I had stuff set up right...

            on to actually creating some beans!

            • 18. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

              http://localhost/jboss gives me an error that connection was refused.
              I have installed Jboss-3.0.3_Tomcat-4.1.12. on linux. The Jboss is running but when I type http://localhost:8080/ in the browser it gives me the following error.
              "HTTP Status 500 - No Context configured to process this request" . If I run tomcat alone it works fine. I want tomcat to be my webserever and jboss to be the app server. I may be wrong but is there any setting for this ? I mean is port 8080 being used for some other service by jboss. How can I configure my jboss tomcat acts as the web server? Any help appreciated.

              • 19. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

                hi TarunLall, check whether you extracted those 2 ear into the deploy directory or just pasted those zip files.

                • 20. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

                  I've got JBoss 3.0.4 with Embedded Tomcat 4.1.12. Where do I drop the ear files? Under the install directory, I've got:


                  Any help would be appreciated, I haven't been able to get JBoss working for some time now....


                  • 21. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

                    I put the ear files under
                    Seems to work.

                    • 22. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

                      Yes, that is working for me. I have copied two ear files in the server/default/deploy. By the way, how we can deploy JSPs and EJBs seperatly ? Any idea ?

                      • 23. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

                        Put the app (either as a .war, or as a directory named [something].war) in jboss-3.0.4_tomcat-4.1.12\server\default\deploy.

                        - Alexander.

                        • 24. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

                          THANK YOU satyannair!

                          I have been looking a couple days to do that - make the examples work like in the old Jboss/Tomcat bundle.

                          Anybody know why they don't ship it like this anymore (in Jboss 3.0.x), that is, with the examples present and functional? It looks like the files are out there under the tomcat directory, but I didn't know what I was supposed to do with them to put them in an EAR that Jboss could use. I tried making a WAR from instructions in another thread, but it did not work.

                          • 25. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

                            Following the lead from satyannair's files, here are the ones for tomcat-docs and the webdav page.

                            • 26. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

                              Well, sorry but the tomcat-docs.ear was just a tad too large, 1.01MB, so it wouldn't go.

                              But here is how I created it on Win2K, starting with a Jboss 3.0.4 Tomcat 4.1.12 distribution, which might be more useful to you anyway:

                              a. Create dir, md c:\tomcat-docs.ear

                              b. In DOS box, cd into root directory of whatever you're trying to EAR: cd \jboss-3.0.4_tomcat-4.1.12\tomcat-4.1.x\webapps\tomcat-docs

                              c. jar it into WAR: C:\jdk1.3.1_07\bin\jar -cf tomcat-docs.war *

                              d. Move the war file just created into the dir from step a.

                              e. Create a META-INF subdir under the dir from step a.

                              f. In subdir META-INF just created, create application.xml file as follows:

                              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>



                              g. Now cd to the dir from step a, which should contain the war file and the META-INF dir (with the application.xml inside that). cd \tomcat-docs.ear

                              h. Jar it into an EAR: \jdk1.3.1_07\bin\jar -cvMf tomcat-docs.ear *

                              i. The M tells it not to create manifest file (not sure this is necessary but it works this way) Also note that we did not use M parm in step c (not sure that was necessary either).

                              j. Now the EAR file is ready to be deployed. Drag, or copy, or FTP it into the jbossxxxx/server/default/deploy directory and it will be hot deployed. (default could be different if different option specified on Jboss startup command).

                              Obviously the jar.exe paths refer to my installed JDK, which was not in my path.

                              • 27. Re: Error 500 MAPPING configuration

                                Below is part of a post I just placed on the Installation & Configuration forum summarizing this thread's replies. I am including it here because I believe it can be useful and will revive this thread so perhaps new people to JBoss can more easily find it.

                                Every web application deployed to JBoss is associated with a "context" which translates to a subdirectly off the main directory, or root. Two applications installed out of the box are:


                                Thus, the context for the latter is "web-console". The error you get, 500, simply says that there is not application with the root context of "/".

                                When you deploy an EAR, you can specify the context for your WARs in the EAR's META-INF/application.xml. Here is a sample, which includes two WARs, and one of them is the root (SuperMain.war), which will appear when you access "http://localhost:8080". The other will appear when you access "http://localhost:8080/admin".

                                < application>
                                 <display-name>Super Application</display-name>
                                 < description>Super Application< /description>
                                 < module>
                                 < web>
                                 < /web>
                                 < /module>
                                 < module>
                                 < web>
                                 < /web>
                                 < /module>
                                 < module>
                                 < ejb>SuperEJB.jar< /ejb>
                                 < /module>
                                < /application>

                                Do not include the spaces you see above at the beginning of each tag. I had to put the spaces to get those tags to show up in the forum.

                                Note that if you do not deploy the war in an EAR or do not specify the context-root in the application.xml of the ear, then it will default to using the war name to determine the context. Thus, without the deployment descriptor, SuperMain.war contents would have been accessible via "http://localhost:8080/SuperMain".

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