2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 22, 2003 9:37 AM by ehenne

    Searching in the forum


      As I could not find any documentation about using the search engine of the forum I did some research:

      The jboss forum uses Jive (http://www.jivesoftware.com/products/forums) which in turn uses Lucene as search engine. The lucene search expression parser is documented in http://jakarta.apache.org/lucene/docs/queryparsersyntax.html. Most of it seems to work here.

      Here are some of the basic features:

      Literal values should be in double quotes:
      "jboss 3.0"

      "*" can be used as wildcard but not at the beginning of a word:

      Logical operators are "&&" ("AND"), "||" ("OR") and "NOT" (capital letters!) and grouping is done with parentheses "(...)":
      jboss && (CMP || CMR)

      The prefixes "+" or "-" can be used to force the inclusion or exclusion of a word:
      +jboss.xml +"ejb-jar" -deploy* is the same as
      jboss.xml AND "ejb-jar" AND NOT deploy*

      A side note: Sometimes it takes some time until a new post is visible, so wait till next day before you try to post it again.

        • 1. Formatting in the Forum

          With some more research I found interesting undocumented formatting features for the forum.

          I have always missed a possibility to show code with indentation and in fixpoint font. Here is the solution: Just enclose your code with &#91pre] and &#91/pre]. Here is an example:

          Following is some example code to show code formatting capabilities:
          &#91pre]package example;



          &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspif&nbsp(s&amp#91i]&nbsp>&nbsp" ")&nbsp{
          &#91/pre]And here is some more text following the code.

          The above source text will then be formatted as:

          Following is some example code to show code formatting capabilities:
          [pre]package example;

          public class ExampleClass {

          public someMethod (String s) {

          if (s&#91i] > " ") {
          doSomething ("useful");
          [/pre]And here is some more text following the code.

          As you see we can still use the other formatting codes like &#91b]&#91/b] etc. But I noticed that we need at least one space in empty lines because elsewhere they would disappear inside a pre-block.

          You might wonder how I managed to show you the source text above with disabled formatting. The trick is to use another undocumented feature: We can use the HTML replacement characters starting with "&amp" in our messages. Especially useful is &ampnbsp for non breaking spaces to keep the indentation. In the above examples I used &amp#91 for "[" and &ampamp for "&" to prevent any formatting. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/charsets/charsets.asp for a complete list of replacement codes.

          • 2. Re: Formatting in the Forum

            I have noticed that the above message does not look good on Netscape as it requires a closing ";" after the "&" replacement codes. So I repost my above post with semicolons to make it look good also with Netscape and hopefully other browser. I am really missing a possibility to edit old messages :-)

            With some more research I found interesting undocumented formatting features for the forum.

            I have always missed a possibility to show code with indentation and in fixpoint font. Here is the solution: Just enclose your code with [pre] and [/pre]. Here is an example:

            Following is some example code to show code formatting capabilities:
            [pre]package example;

            public class [b]ExampleClass[/b] {

                public [b]someMethod[/b] (String s) {

                    if (s[i] > " ") {
                        doSomething ("useful");
            [/pre]And here is some more text following the code.

            The above source text will then be formatted as:

            Following is some example code to show code formatting capabilities:
            [pre]package example;

            public class ExampleClass {

            public someMethod (String s) {

            if (s[i] > " ") {
            doSomething ("useful");
            [/pre]And here is some more text following the code.

            As you see we can still use the other formatting codes like [b][/b] etc. But I noticed that we need at least one space in empty lines because elsewhere they would disappear inside a pre-block.

            You might wonder how I managed to show you the source text above with disabled formatting. The trick is to use another undocumented feature: We can use the HTML replacement characters starting with "&" in our messages. Especially useful is   for non breaking spaces to keep the indentation. In the above examples I used [ for "[" and & for "&" to prevent any formatting. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/charsets/charsets.asp for a complete list of replacement codes.