1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 29, 2006 12:14 PM by clebert.suconic



      In the readme of 1.0CR4 it says -

      ' wakeupOnStartup=true
      Start the profiler always after the JVM start
      This option is used to be used in conjunction with dpConsole.jar. If
      you use that option you have to include dpConsole.jar on the class-path of your
      application server."

      However, I cannot find dpConsole.jar in the JBossProfiler download, nor in the application server itself. Where is it? At some point was it renamed profilerConsole.jar?


        • 1. Re: dpConsole.jar

          Thanks for pointing this out.

          I will change this to
          Possible options include:
          start=<prefix name>
          include=<prefix name>
          ignore=<prefix name>
          This option is used to be used in conjunction with profilerConsole.jar. If
          you use that option you have to include dpConsole.jar on the class-path of your
          application server.
          Useful for running test cases
          Start the profiler always after the JVM start
          memory=true|false (default=true)
          Disable the memory profiler.
          If this options is disable the profiler wouldn't capture any allocations events during data gathering

          In fact socket was supposed to be used with profilerConsole.jar, but I'm not sure if that feature is still working on recent JVMs. I have used a couple of hacks (events from JVMPI) to connect to a prompt based console.

          And that was really error prone. I had a lot of work to determine the correct sequence of events, and if anything goes in a different order I would get a GPF/core dumped.

          I would stick with JMX-Console or kill-3 if you want to run the profiler outside of a JBoss server.

          As for the wakupOnStartup that will start capturing at the first minute the JVM is activated. That means the startup will be also be profiled what will make the activation much slower.

          Thanks again,
