1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 3, 2006 5:01 PM by clebert.suconic

    I can only see results for tomcat and jvm classes



      I am trying to use the profiler to run a quick sanity check on one of our applications prior to deployment. I have installed it and am collecting data, which I am then able to look through using the webapplication. However the only classes that I am able to see are those for Tomcat/JBoss and the java classes themselves. I do not see any of my own code profiled!

      The options I am using are:


      By using the ignore and include I was hoping to only see the trace for classes in packages beginning with com.version1 (mine) and trying to explicitly ignore the sun classes. I think I am doing something wrong on this.

      Other than this problem (probably my own fault!) the profiler looks very good. If I can get over this issue I am sure I will get good use of it in the future.

      I am using jboss 4.04.


      Anthony Nolan
      Version 1

        • 1. Re: I can only see results for tomcat and jvm classes

          Detail the servlets untill you see your classes.

          You can do a tree navigation by aways detailing a servlet.

          try once with only

          Than try with

          Also, in your class select a filter, then click in all Classes.

          Usually the first view you get will show you only roots. viewing all Classes will probably show your classes. A tomcat class is going to be the root as it will receive the socket from internet.