2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 19, 2007 4:33 PM by gideonraj

    unable to use jboss Profiler


      I wrote a simple method (in a seperate public class) that prints the number 1 to 20 to the console with a delay of 5 sec. This method was called from a Servlet.

      Steps to recreate my scenario:
      1. start JBoss App Server
      2. Activate the profiler using the MBean
      3. invoke my Servlet and wait for the 20 numbers to be printed on the console
      4. stop the profiler by stoping it using the MBean. At this point I see the .gz files getting updated with data.
      5. Now open the Profiler's Web Application and enter the directory where the log entrries are made.

      My Problem:
      I see the method I wrote listed in the memory section of the process view and not in the 'methods' section of the Process View in the resulting analysis data.

      Since my method is not listed in the 'methods section' of the process view, I am unable to analyze the response time for invoking the method. Can you please help me.

        • 1. Re: unable to use jboss Profiler

          You probably started capturing after the method was invoked.

          On that case I never got any ENTER_METHOD event for the method you were analyzing. You would have to start capturing before your method is called.

          • 2. Re: unable to use jboss Profiler

            Hi Clebert,
            Thanks for your response. I tried again by starting the profiler capture before invoking my method. The result is the same (my method is not listed in the 'methods section' of the Process View)...