7 Replies Latest reply on Dec 10, 2007 2:41 AM by william-zhu

    Profiler Setup


      I am using the Windows dll that is part of the download, I did NOT compile it myself....

      in run.bat I specify the required JVM args and get this message when I start JBoss....HELP!

      Running process on Windows 3540
      Cannot open file \profiler\\log_spyserver_3540.txt. Please check you directory n
      Press any key to continue . . .

        • 1. Re: Profiler Setup

          You need to create the directory \profiler before starting, as you probably used -XrunjbossInspector:/profiler

          • 2. Re: Profiler Setup

            I also suffered.
            where to create the profiler?

            • 3. Re: Profiler Setup


              "william-zhu" wrote:
              I also suffered.
              where to create the profiler?

              after create the folder, I encountered the same issue.

              • 4. Re: Profiler Setup

                Hello William...

                Maybe if you explain what you are doing I would be able to help you...

                have you looked at the instructions in how to configure it?

                • 5. Re: Profiler Setup

                  Hello, thanks for your help!
                  now, I got the issue about directory. but encoutered a new problem when attemptting to add a parameter to JVM by executing the following:
                  java -XrunjbossInspector:/tmp,include=org.jboss,ignore=*,start=org.jboss.mq.MQServer

                  the messages are like:
                  this is the new DLL
                  Running process on Windows 4040
                  Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
                  <to execute a class>
                  or java [-options] -jar jarfile [args....]
                  <to execute a jar file>

                  I have read the guides and a jboss profiler quick start released in the forum.

                  Installation quick start:
                  1) copy jboss-profiler-noAOP.sar to the JBoss AS deploy directory
                  2) put jbossInspector.dll in your PATH (Windows)
                  or libjbossInspector.so in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux/Unix)
                  3) copy jboss-profiler.war to the JBoss AS deploy directory
                  1) Add something like this to the JBoss JVM options: -XrunjbossInspector:/tmp/profiler,include=com.unisys,ignore=*,memory=false
                  Make sure the output directory (/tmp/profiler in this example) exists.

                  thanks for your any ideas

                  • 6. Re: Profiler Setup

                    additional informations:
                    the followings are my enverionment:
                    - Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
                    - sun jvm 1.4.2_12.
                    - I do not recompile the dll file.

                    • 7. Re: Profiler Setup

                      Hi Everyone,

                      I have worked out the issue.
                      Anyways thanks for your helps.