1 2 Previous Next 22 Replies Latest reply on Dec 1, 2008 3:48 PM by jesper.pedersen Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Coding standards and process queries

        Nice :)

        I think that we should have a single template and fold head.xhtml into that.

        Taking a quick look at head.xhtml looks it should be called "menu.inc" and be included from template.xhtml.

        The goal must be to have a single template.xhtml files and multiple .inc files in the template/ directory.

        • 16. Re: Coding standards and process queries

          OK, I'm happy with that. I can push on with that if you want.

          • 17. Re: Coding standards and process queries

            Actually, I've been a bit buried in the detail. Stepping back and looking at the big picture a bit (as you've obviously been doing), I'm starting by wondering if the whole menu thing is laid out as well as it can be anyway.

            I'm not sure why "Operations for Server", "Analyze Snapshots" and "Snapshot Operations" are in 3 different corners of the page and two different formats. What do you think?

            • 18. Re: Coding standards and process queries

              Well, I havn't looked into the actual usability of the web UI yet. - so you are properly right ;)

              I think a good idea would be to have a UI similar to Embedded Jopr - see


              with the left side being the menu.

              Feel free to move things around as you see fit.

              • 19. Re: Coding standards and process queries

                OK, that looks cool, though I don't yet have a good enough feel for the profiler app to be able to say if the folder paradigm would work. My gut feel is that it works better for JBoss-AS configuration than it would for the profiler which seems to have only 2-3 menu levels anyway.

                That said, maybe the grand plan is to have it somehow plug into an overall JBoss-AS manager app one day.

                What's your target for the Beta 4 release? I'm wondering if we should tidy up around the edges and release something that basically works (which it didn't before) before going ahead and hacking it to pieces?

                It's nearly midnight here so I'd better get some shuteye. I'll look for your reply in the morning and then push on with whatever you suggest.

                • 20. Re: Coding standards and process queries

                  The folder paradigm won't work in all of our cases - since we have some menu items to connect to agents.

                  The integration with the Embedded Jopr is in the future - we need something that works first ;)

                  As stated previously I would rather have something that just dumps the output (like the command line client) inside < pre > tags and make it pretty / usable later on.

                  As to Beta4 - we will see; it depends on how much time I have in the coming months for this work. Maybe the release criteria is a working web console ;)

                  • 21. Re: Coding standards and process queries

                    I haven't gone for the night yet, but will be very shortly

                    "jesper.pedersen" wrote:
                    The folder paradigm won't work in all of our cases - since we have some menu items to connect to agents.

                    The integration with the Embedded Jopr is in the future - we need something that works first ;)

                    OK, I'll play with the existing setup and see what I can do with it. From looking at the templates, it seems to me that if we can put all the menu items into one area of the page, then merging the various templates into one should be pretty simple. The simplest way to put all the menu stuff in one place for now AFAICT would be to add the stuff on the left to the menubar across the top.

                    Also, while I'm working on menu stuff, I'm guessing all the menu titles should go into the properties bundle as you'd mentioned in an earlier post.

                    "jesper.pedersen" wrote:
                    As stated previously I would rather have something that just dumps the output (like the command line client) inside < pre > tags and make it pretty / usable later on.

                    I guess I'm not familiar with the functionality in the commandline client, but it seems to me from my brief look over the web app so far that there's a fair bit of functionality there. Are you aware if there's much missing?

                    "jesper.pedersen" wrote:
                    As to Beta4 - we will see; it depends on how much time I have in the coming months for this work. Maybe the release criteria is a working web console ;)

                    OK, I was thinking we might be pretty close with what we have now, but obviously not.

                    • 22. Re: Coding standards and process queries


                      OK, I'll play with the existing setup and see what I can do with it. From looking at the templates, it seems to me that if we can put all the menu items into one area of the page, then merging the various templates into one should be pretty simple. The simplest way to put all the menu stuff in one place for now AFAICT would be to add the stuff on the left to the menubar across the top.

                      Sounds like an idea.

                      Also, while I'm working on menu stuff, I'm guessing all the menu titles should go into the properties bundle as you'd mentioned in an earlier post.


                      I guess I'm not familiar with the functionality in the commandline client, but it seems to me from my brief look over the web app so far that there's a fair bit of functionality there. Are you aware if there's much missing?

                      You could try the test case -- see README.txt how to execute it. As to the web front-end I havn't looked into to it in detail -- I know that the connection to the agent is one of the first things that needs to be fixed.

                      I'll look the web front-end over soon and file some JIRAs about missing functionality -- but the output from the command line client should be a good starting point ;)

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