JBoss Architect Council, meeting notes
ivelin.ivanov Sep 25, 2004 10:39 AMSeptember 21, 2004
AOP 1.0 - Mid Oct - final, nice docs
?doc book (Bill has to talk to Norman about unified build script)
?AOP with IDE integration (Bill will talk to Marshall to decide whether to delay the AOP release and wait for the AOP tool)
almost fully functional now
Persistence mapping is done vai hibernalte XML. Not ideal but working.
Will release Early Access in October
doc book coming with release
EJB 3 will be deployer + aop file, ejb3.jar format
past EA release
?cache team(SFSB dependency, Kabir and Bela need to discuss action plan)
?to be complete - query parser(dependency on new Hibernate query parser. Currently handled by external contributor - Joshua)
?integrate w/ WS(Bill and Thomas will discuss deps and reflect in roadmaps)
functional now
ready for demo
JAXB support pending
jaxb is only useful when you don't have an obj. model
jaxb 2 has ch8 about custom mapping
?Alex on eg(still not)
?JAXRPC depends on a subset of JAXB(Alex and Thomas will follow up to reflect deps in roadmaps)
We need a generic persistence model that abstracts SQL with a simple API
?factor jdbc abstr out in hibernate(Alex and Steve will work on design. Discussion on all@hibernate.org)
3.0 coming along.
?Annotations (in the works by Emanuel and Steve)
?Query parser(still in the works by Josh, Steve will help out if needed)
november release
Adrian started coding
?resources(Adrian assumes he will be full time on it. Unrealistic. Will have to reevaluate needs for more developers.)
JBossMQ moves to maintenance mode
JBossMessaging will have to be delivered on time to replace JBossMQ
Adrian is putting little time other than guiding Ovidiu
Ovidiu is working on design and prototype but at slower than expected pace because of onsite
?Atlanta presentation(Ovidiu may not be able to deliver on time Adrian can cover.)
?more full time devs are needed for timely execution
maintenance phase
Nice to have, but we'll do it only if a customer pays for it
5.5 coming along.
No pressing need for new features.
?config save, versioning(waiting on Adrian to announce the new standard way in microkernel)
DR out
Beta by year end
?Microkernel deps. Needs features not present today. (Julien will follow up with Adrian offline)
JB 4.0 - done. frozen Axis fork.
JB 5.0 - start from scratch
*Thomas had a bad phone connection and could not cover all that he wanted. Him, Scott and Ivelin will have a smaller conf call tomorrow to review roadmap.
Bela was not able to attend