3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 10, 2007 2:39 PM by thomasxie



      Hi all,

      I want to intergrate SIP functionality in the JBOSS platform.

      The sip servlet Reference Implementation is free for downloand, but I am not sure how I can Intergrate it in the JBOSS/tomact container....

      An other option is to take an open source JAVA SIP stack like NIST Java SIP and try to intergrate that one in a e.g session bean ...

      Do you have any proposals ?

      Thanks in advance

        • 1. Classloader

          I just finished an Advanced Jboss training class last week, and during a disccussion on classloaders, the following idea occurred to me.

          When the classloader encounters a Java class which has already been loaded, it just ignores it. This can cause problems when there is more than one version of a class among diferent archives.

          Why not have

          • a warning, optional if neccessary, that would warn the developer that the same class occurred in multiple archives
          • a warning if the duplicate class is not indentical to the previously encountered occurence

          • 2. Re: SIP + JBOSS

            Its been done by several commercial vendors like HotSip and Ubiquity and at least one open source project: mobicents.org.

            • 3. Re: SIP + JBOSS

              Get Micromethod's SIP Application Server, can be downloaded from micromethod.com