6 Replies Latest reply on May 5, 2009 5:13 AM by dpospisil

    JBAS-6390, JBNAME-25, IPv6 support


      I have spent some time on the ipv6 address issue affecting the jndi implementation. A few changes are needed:

      1. Change the Naming cache to use InetSocketAddress as the key rather than the host + ":" port string.
      2. Add an alternate host + "@" port url syntax so that one can specify an ipv6 address and a port.
      3. If there are multiple ':' in a provider url, we have to assume its an IPv6 address with no port. The only way a port can be specified with an IPv6 address is by using the '@' separator as in:

      I have these changes in the naming project trunk with a simple IPv6UnitTest. What is the time frame this needs to be done for the 4.2.x branch?