1. 3844559
frank.merenda Mar 14, 2004 5:48 AM (in response to ahardy66)I'm developing a web application for the hospital I'm working for. It's still in development state.
During the development process I chaged the name of the war file I was using for development. I had brought the job home once to make a presentation and didn't delete the old file.
When I brought the job home yesterday (after changing the war file name) I noticed that the application was trying to use old code. I checked the war to see if it contained new code.. and it did, however it was producing code based on old classes. Then I remembered the old war. I deleted it and then the application worked fine.
Does it have to work like that? I guess the application should try to find class files in the war file itself and then try to get them somewhere else. Maybe I'm just flatly wrong. -
2. Re: Don't you know that Cool URIs don't change?
juha Mar 16, 2004 7:24 AM (in response to ahardy66)Yes I wish the webmaster would.