3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 6, 2006 8:45 PM by kukeltje

    Uselss? Rant?

      I'm assuming nobody will read this, although I will try to keep the rant to a minimum. Frankly, I'm concerned. As far as I know, my company does in fact pay for JBoss support and maintenance and documentation (I'm verifying that at the moment). I come to these forums, which along with the wiki are apparently intended to be one of the main knowledge bases for the product, and are certainly a major part of the public face of JBoss.

      What do I find here? New users being written off as "newbies", or worse "clueless". Even worse, I find people who ask serious questions roundly abused - the derailed discussion in this forum section regarding UCL is a very good example. For a group that proudly states "Jboss, The Professional Open Source Company", I've got to say: abusing customers or potential customers is not professional.

      We're seriously planning to move all of our web applications to JBoss, away from another product that appears moribund. However after spending several days reading through the forums and the wiki, and seeing the expressed opinions of what appear to be "official" JBoss spokespersons, I'm on the verge of strongly recommending to management that we drop JBoss like a radioactive potato.

      I'm guessing this post will attract attacks like a dead aardvark attracks flies, so I'll pre-empt by saying: yes, I read http://jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossForums first, yes I read the documentation, and yes I have perused http://jboss.org/jbossBlog/blog.

        • 1. Re: Uselss? Rant?

          What you will find is that this is the free forums, where participants don't pay, and people provide answers out of their own free time. If your company has a support contract, you will have a contact person that has access to the support portal which is closed from people who are looking for free help.


          • 2. Re: Uselss? Rant?

            Ok, but if you just want to have a little impression of how JBoss works, but don't get your app running due to some strange errors and never get an answer to your question, no WIKI or FAQ or other Post really answers your issue or you are considered stupid -

            you'll probably never assign a support contract since you'll never come to the point of really taking JBoss into consideration ... !?

            • 3. Re: Uselss? Rant?


              "One_Special_User" wrote:
              Ok, but if you just want to have a little impression of how JBoss works, but don't get your app running due to some strange errors and never get an answer to your question, no WIKI or FAQ or other Post really answers your issue or you are considered stupid -

              If you can't get your app running within a few days, you either build it using app specific classes (e.g. com.bea.*, com.ibm.*) or did not build it with JEE specs in mind or... yes one is stupid (not you, but in general).