1 2 Previous Next 17 Replies Latest reply on Dec 4, 2006 3:11 PM by kurtstam Go to original post
      • 15. Re: ESB Packaging


        Not sure I understant the wizards.

        I mean, if you were to use MBean properties (frankly, it is very trivial), all you need to run the ESB could pretty much be deployed in the /deploy folder of any AS instance (including, as dicussed, the DB scripts).

        Consequently, you could provide:
        - a downloadable zip/tgz that is a standalone ESB environment (i.e. MC/MK+ESB files only), and/or
        - a downloadable zip/tgz that could be dropped, as is, inside ANY AS setup, in its /deploy folder

        Makes sense?


        • 16. Re: ESB Packaging

          Wizards is a general catch-all term that we've been using to cover simplifying the deployment and configuration of the ESB. It's not just configuring a few XML files, but may require integration code. That could certainly encompass MBeans for an AS deployment.

          I think we're agreed that the two deployment choices our "wizards" need to support are inside of AS and a stand-alone (outside of AS) deployment. We'll have something in place for the GA that covers both.

          • 17. Re: ESB Packaging

            The RC has 2 MBeans. So it is easy to deploy JBossESB to JBossAS following the QuickStart steps.




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