1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 18, 2007 5:17 PM by marklittle

    Design Approach for Potentail JBossESB app...


      The business needs a Java API exposed interface to create and lookup records in a 3rd party system. I have developed a simple Java wrapper to talk to this 3rd party system. I'd now like to make it available to the enterprise. Is the best approach to make this a web service? Would I need to put it on the ESB ONLY if several business systems need to know that "something" happened with this 3rd party app? I'm thinking I don't need to use the ESB for this purpose.. but I really want to, b/c its cool...

      Need more understanding on when/when not to use the ESB. Are there docs related to different problem scenarios and best practices to solve them using JBossESB.
