Wise based soap client for esb
maeste Jun 24, 2008 4:52 AMHi all,
I wrote an alternative soap client action for esb.
The client is based on my open LGPL software wise:
It uses wsconsume API to dynamically generate client object and invoke web service, delagating to JBossWS JAX-WS implementation the dirty job.
It use smooks under the hood to transform user defined object into JAX-WS generated ones.
It support also standard JAX-WS handler and a generic smooks transformation handler to apply transformation to generated soap messages.
You can find it in my workspace under product/services/soap/src/main/java/org/jboss/soa/esb/actions/soap/wise/
I also wrote javadoc for the action class explaining how to use it and e example demonstrating 3 common use case:
* Direct call of a simple service without any mapping is needed
* Call of a service using a smooks mapper java-to-java
* Call a simple webservices without mapping, but with an handler
modifying header with smooks and an handler logging on System.out
request and response
In this 3 examples don't forget to have a look to wise-core.properties for some important configs. Of course they could be integrated in action's config in jboss-esb.xml in next future, but this first implementation leave them there.
On wise roadmap I have the implementation of webservices' call receiving different resources (CSV, XML and so on) using smooks to map it on JAX-WS generated client objects, giving another interesting opportunity in ESB environment.
It is an initial implementation, and I need to integrate wise objects generation with new smooks configgenerator ( http://milyn.codehaus.org/Smooks+User+Guide#SmooksUserGuide-GeneratingtheSmooksBindingConfiguration) to make user experience easier. I already had a look, but I'm very very busy in these days and hopefully I can put my mind on in 2 weeks or so.
In the mean time, it would be very good if someone could take a look to current initial implementation and to 3 examples and give his feedback.
thanks in advance