1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 2, 2009 7:42 AM by kconner

    how to have more than 1 templates in one service action?


      Hi All,
      I have defined an ESB service with a single action containing more than 1 xslt templates.

      <service category="IBN" name="Broker" description="The implementation of dispatcher for event notification">
       <jms-listener name="JMS-Gateway" busidref="IBNBroker"/>
       <actions mep="OneWay">
       <action name="registerSubscriber" class="com.traveltainment.integra.middleware.ibn.IBNBroker">
       <property name="service-template-pool-name" value="BrokerServiceRegister"/>
       <property name="xsl-resources" value="/META-INF/xsl/RegisterSubscriber.xsl"/>
       <property name="templateRegister" value="/META-INF/xsl/RegisterSubscriber.xsl"/>
       <property name="xsl-resources" value="/META-INF/xsl/SubscribingRQ2RS.xsl"/>
       <property name="template" value="/META-INF/xsl/SubscribingRQ2RS.xsl"/>
       <property name="xsl-resources" value="/META-INF/xsl/RS2SOAP.xsl"/>
       <property name="templateResponse" value="/META-INF/xsl/RS2SOAP.xsl"/>
       <property name="select-query" value="SELECT url, protocol, host, jms_destination
      FROM IntegraDB.ibn_event_registry"/>

      The reason why I have more than 1 templates in my action is because I want to stay inside my IBNBroker and apply different transformation.

      If I define a separate action for each template then the control would be shifted.

      Now the problem I am facing in my above templates' definition is that at runtime I get the exception that one of the templates is null. I don't know why is it occurring? How can i have more than 1 templates in the same template pool inside a single action?
