4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 25, 2008 1:45 PM by waltbarrow

    richfaces suggestion box keyboard navigation problem


      I am using suggestionbox. Everything is proper except I can not navigate between suggested items with keyboard (up/down buttons) in Internet Explorer. In Fireworks there is no such problem. IE version is 6.0.

      Also I tried the Richfaces demo with IE again there is no problem. But in my code I cannot navigate with IE by keyboard. Here is the part:

      <h:inputText id="jobSuggest" styleClass="dropdown" value="#{careerBean.selectedJobLabel}"/>
      <rich:suggestionbox id="suggestbox" width="200" for="jobSuggest" height="100" tokens=",]" first="0" rules="cols" suggestionAction="#{careerBean.suggestJob}" nothingLabel="No job" var="job" fetchValue="#{job.label}">
      <h:column><h:outputText value="#{job.label}"/></h:column>

      Thanks for any help